Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Providing Communion at Home, Hospital, or other facility

The Body and Blood of Christ
  • Role
    A Eucharistic Minister, or Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM), assists a Pastor in administering the elements of Holy Communion, which are consecrated bread and wine. They may also bring the sacrament to those unable to attend church services or who are ill. Gluten-free bread may be used and grape juice substituted for wine.
  • Beliefs
    Lutherans believe that in Holy Communion, Christ is truly present “in, with, and under” the elements of bread and wine. We do not know how exactly this happens (it is more than just a symbolic reenactment but not a transubstantiation where bread and wine actually become flesh and blood). We do believe in the “real presence” of Christ because he promised to show up in this sacrament. 
  • Communion
    During Holy Communion, Lutheran pastors say, “The Body of Christ, given for you” and “The Blood of Christ, shed for you” to emphasize the personal and intimate relationship Jesus offers to each and every believer in the sacrament. It is appropriate to respond with “Amen” or “Thanks be to God.”

The following members of Lord of Life Lutheran Church ELCA were installed as Lay Eucharistic Ministers on September 29, 2024. Please call one of them should you, a loved one, or a friend be homebound or in the hospital so that they may receive Holy Communion. 

Sheryll Albert
Cell: (252) 314-8377

Bob DeVito
Cell/Text: (203) 910-3107

Sheryl Eggert
Cell (919) 412-6827

Sylvia Lambert
(252) 985-0860