Men’s Group

Lord of Life Men's Group

All men are welcome to attend and membership is not required. We gather in the Fellowship Hall on the 1st Friday of most months from 7PM to 9 PM. We start with a prayer and a casual meal before an informal meeting. Volunteers cook the meal and participants bring their own beverage of choice. It is a time for fun, fellowship, and collectively planning to do something that will benefit others. 

Lord of Life Lutheran Men in Mission initiatives

OUTREACH: The Lord of Life (LOL) Men's Group outreach programs are directed primarily towards supporting ELCA NC Synod's Camp Agape and Kure Beach Ministries Program. Both are youth camps. We help provide camp scholarships and send work crews to the camps to do repairs and maintenance. A number of our LOL men enjoy working with their hands finding satisfaction in knowing that they have helped a meaningful ELCA program.

FUNDRAISERS: Our fundraisers often have more than one purpose, but all the money goes to support worthwhile community non-profit causes outside of the church. Some fundraisers also provide a community service, such as our on-site document shredding which we do annually. Each spring, we sell and deliver pine straw in the Garner area. For Garner's July Third celebration, we park cars on the church grounds and have a church cookout. Then we relax with our families and enjoy the fireworks.

FELLOWSHIP: The Men's Group helps individuals to get to know each other through fellowship and participating with church, family, and friends at Men's Group sponsored events such as Oktoberfest, Christmas, and St. Valentine's dinners for the congregation. We also coordinate group outings such as baseball games, picnics, cookouts, charity golf tournaments, and concerts. We are always looking for opportunities for fellowship and relationship building.


First Friday of most months, from
7-9 PM in the Church Fellowship Hall.



Church office at 919 772-9044
Steve Brantley at 919-602-5089


Sharing God's love with all


Growing commitment to God, family, church and community.